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Important Links

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Go follow and watch my twitch channel where I try to stream regularly!

All tournaments hosted by me will be streamed here!


Exion is a Discord server for Amiibo Trainers with resources for just about everything Amiibo. Join the server to get info on more tournaments and great trainers!


USAC is a large community focused on the amiibo scene at large. They've got everything: research, training, coding, tournaments, science, tier lists, server channels, and much much more... They're large enough to help you train yet small enough to remember your name.
Join now to learn more and stay connected!


CCAS is a server that provides you with tournaments, fun amiibo chats, and is for newer amiibo trainers. If you’re looking for a place to start your journey into the amiibo scene, this is your server! Join today and have fun!

Contact Me

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